Attendance management training

A suite of short videos to guide managers through the key steps of managing attendance in their teams.​


Literally nobody likes return to work meetings, so 10to3’s attendance management videos are on a mission to make them more comfortable for everyone. Designed as an on demand resource and never off sick, our animated videos will help your managers achieve quick, focused and impactful meetings.

We will help your teams through managing short and long term absences right through to the appeal stages, and we’ve thrown in some tips of when to get occupational health involved for good measure.


Making complicated conversations accessible and do-able, these attendance management videos will give your managers the support they need to take responsibility for line management, and the best bit: enable HR and ER teams to focus on the value add support you provide day in, day out.

Take a look at some examples below, and drop the team a line to say hello if you’d like to chat. If you’re already sold – request a free trial here for access to the full collection of videos.

It's not their fault they're ill. (Why manage attendance?)

This video looks at your right to manage your team’s attendance at work.

Welcome back to work!

This video looks to turn the return to work discussion into a conversation rather than a form-filling exercise.

What is a disability?

It’s important to be able to recognise when an employee could have a disability. This video gives you an overview.

How can disability discrimination occur?

How to avoid discrimination taking place? Knowing how it can occur is the first step.

What an invite to an attendance management meeting should say - and why

What information needs to go into the template letter?

Planning your hearing (short term absence)

A walk through of what to cover ‘on the day’.

Reaching your decision - Do you give a warning? (Short term absence)

What to take into account to make sure the sanction you select is reasonable and fair.

The role of a companion in a formal hearing

What can they do? And how do you keep them on track?

Who can be a companion in a formal hearing?

Who might be turning up with the employee?

Keeping in touch

This video guides you how to establish and maintain contact when a member of your team’s absence is becoming prolonged.

Managing the absence by milestone meetings

So, you’re keeping in touch. What should be the catalyst for more formal meetings?

When to consider ending the employee's employment

Most of the time employees return to work successfully, but in what circumstances do you need to recognise this may not be possible?

Inviting the employee to a meeting to consider ending their employment

No decisions will be made without a formal meeting – and the invite to that meeting is an important document. This video covers what it needs to contain.

Managing the meeting to consider ending their employment

This video gives you a walk through of what to cover ‘on the day’.

The role of a companion in a formal hearing

What can they do? And how do you keep them on track?

Who can be a companion in a formal hearing?

Who might be turning up with the employee?

You are chairing an attendance management appeal hearing - What's your job?

Do you review the decision, or rehear the case?

Planning your attendance management appeal hearing

A walk through of what to cover ‘on the day’.

Who can be a companion in a formal hearing?

Who might be turning up with the employee?

The role of a companion in a formal hearing

What can they do? And how do you keep them on track?

Reaching your decision and communicating the outcome

This video helps you to make, and explain, the result of the  employee’s appeal.

When to call on OH for advice

This video gives you guidance about the circumstances that might call for a referral to Occupational Health.

How to call on OH for advice

This video helps you to construct a good quality referral.

The employment law framework

This video gives you an overview of the framework you’re working within when you’re managing your team

The ACAS Code of Practice

This video tells you about the mindset you need when you’re managing performance, conduct, attendance or grievances.

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